2024 - 28th ATSR Congress
September 18, 19 and 20, 2024
Saint Paul Trois Châteaux

The actss of the conferences of Tuesday, September 20, 2022
SESSION 1: Radiation protection integrated into the construction of high-energy reactors and accelerators.
S1-1 – Thomas JAUBERT-EDF- The major radiation protection options in the design of new EDF reactor models: Case of EPR2 and NUWARD.
S1-2 – Lucie ELIE- CERN- Study of radiation protection for the installation of the Large High Luminosity Hadron Collider.
SESSION 2: Radiological Emergency situations.
S2-1 – Javier CUADRADO-CERN- Development of an intervention plan for the fight against the fire of the production laboratory of medical radioisotopes CERN-Medicis.
SESSION 3: Environmental monitoring
S3-1 – Nourredine BOUMHRES-CERN- CERN Environmental Monitoring System.
S3-2 – Noé BARTHELEMY- CEA Marcoule- Management of a piezometric park on a nuclear site: Case of Marcoule.
S3-3 – Valentin BLAIS- NATIONAL NAVY- Development of a next-generation atmospheric tritium monitor.
S3-4 – Hamza BOUKABACHE-CERN- CROME system: The new ionizing radiation monitoring system for radiation protection and the environment at CERN.
SESSION 4: The regulatory context
S4-1 – Miroslav VOYTCHEV-IRSN- Current state of standardization of instrumentation for radiation protection in international and national bodies.
S4-2 – Christophe GUY and Fabrice PETITOT- CEA Cadarache/CEA Marcoule- Organization of radiation protection in a competence center: Application to the CEA centers of Marcoule and Cadarache.
S4-3 – Clémence BAUDIN-IRSN- Radiation protection of healthcare professionals in France: exposure, knowledge and habits – EXPERTS study.
The proceedings of the conferences of Wednesday, September 21, 2022
SESSION 5: Monitoring worksites and dismantling operations.
S5-1 – Renaud MOURET-CERN- Autopsy and pre-conditioning of an LHC beam absorber.
S5-2 – Florian VERON-ONET- RP monitoring and DEM site dosimetry.
S5-3 – Benoît FERRE-CEA Marcoule- DEM site for dissolvers A and B of MAR200.
SESSION 6: Monitoring worksites and dismantling operations.
S6-1 – Sylvain PELLOUX- BKW Energie AG- Process of characterization and measurement of materials for disposal for radioactive decay within the framework of dismantling of the Mühleberg power plant.
S6-2 – Jean Bernard CURABET- CEA Marcoule- Strategy for modernizing the health chain of facilities within the UP1, AVM, IECD perimeter.
SESSION 7: Management of waste and recoverable materials.
S7-1 – Mohammad RABABAH-CERN- Radionuclide inventory of burnable radioactive waste contaminated with artificial alpha-emitters.
S7-2 – Olivier DAVID-CEA Cadarache- Presentation of the CHICADE installation.
S7-3 – Alain VIVIER-DOSIMEX SAS- Feedback, 30 years later, on the spent fuel storage pool.
S7-4 – Marthe PALACIOS- OFSP- The Radium Action Plan in Switzerland.
SESSION 8: Method and nuclear measurements.
S8-1 – Mohammad RABABAH-CERN- Radiological characterization of high-energy proton targets from the CERN-ISOLDE facility.
S8-2 – Laurent GALLEGO and Hector GOMEZ- CEA Marcoule/CEA Saclay- Monitoring and control of G2/G3 reactors by muography with Micromegas detectors.
S8-3 – Kimberly COLAS-CEA Saclay- Measurements of samples from the dismantling of G1 by digital autoradiography (MAUD).
P01-BELTRITTI Frédéric-CEA Cad-Geo-localized radiological measurement
P03-DUBUGET Vincent-APVL-Extremity and lens dosimetry
P04-FERRERI Giovanni-OFSP-Monitoring of radioactivity in the environment in Switzerland
P05- GIGLEUX Thomas-CERAP- Radiation protection training with Virtual Reality
P07- GUEDO Nicolas- CEA Cadarache-Radioprotection on experimental loop with injection of short-lived radiotracer
P08- LEONG Lou Sai- Mirion Technologies- New RDS-32WR-iTxTM survey meter for remote supervision.
P09- PETITOT Fabrice- CEA Marcoule- Relevant parameters influencing labile contamination and the elimination factor.
P10-PORRET Alexandre-CERN-Industrial radiography at CERN
P11- EL-DRISSI Safouane- CERN- Radiation protection for industrial radiography activities at CERN.
P16- SENE Jean-Michel- Bertin Technologies- Innovation for contamination control and improved worker protection
P17- GALLEGO Laurent- CEA Marcoule- Muon tomography.